Illustrations pour une pochette d'activité pour se familiariser avec les activités "papier" dès la maternelle et développer la motricité fine. Les enfants sont guidés pour découper des formes sur les feuilles de papier coloré. Munis d'un levier, les ciseaux d'apprentissage accompagnent le geste et le rend plus facile qu'avec des ciseaux classiques. Il ne reste plus qu'à coller les formes à la bonne place sur les tableaux pour créer des portraits d'animaux très rigolos !
Illustrations for an activity pack to familiarize yourself with “paper” activities from kindergarten and develop fine motor skills. Children are guided to cut out shapes on the sheets of colored paper. Equipped with a lever, the learning scissors accompany the movement and make it easier than with conventional scissors. All that remains is to glue the shapes in the right place on the boards to create very funny animal portraits!
Illustrations for an activity pack to familiarize yourself with “paper” activities from kindergarten and develop fine motor skills. Children are guided to cut out shapes on the sheets of colored paper. Equipped with a lever, the learning scissors accompany the movement and make it easier than with conventional scissors. All that remains is to glue the shapes in the right place on the boards to create very funny animal portraits!